Injective October 2021: Explorer Release, Governance Updates and Much More

Welcome to Injective’s monthly update!

It’s a wrap for October 2021, and there are more updates now than ever to report. From the Injective Explorer Release to a record number of Cosmos community engagements, read below for a list of the most recent Injective milestones.

October Highlights

  1. Injective Governance Proposal #60 for enabling IBC transfers on the Injective Chain went live and passed.
  2. The Injective Explorer was released.
  3. Injective Equinox staking rewards were distributed.
  4. New perpetual market listings and hidden markets for canonical release were announced.
  5. Text proposals went live on the Injective Hub. The Injective Hub also became available in Spanish. The Injective Spanish Community Twitter Campaign went live.
  6. AMAs and Media: Injective hosted a YouTube AMA with Commonwealth on decentralized governance. Injective also participated in AMAs with CryptoJ, Cosmos, Cosmos SZN, and Interchain.FM podcast, while also serving as a keynote for the Xend Finance Hackathon. The Injective Deep Dive Report was published. Injective was featured on Cosmos Signal.

1. IBC Transfers Enabled

The Injective community voted to enable Cosmos IBC. The community will carry out a major chain upgrade that will allow any Cosmos IBC-based chain such as Band Protocol and Terra to interact with the Injective exchange.

This update serves as a reminder that a new era of cross-chain derivatives is actively being ushered in.

2. Injective Explorer Release

Another exciting release came with the launch of the brand new Injective Explorer.

The Injective Explorer is an analytics platform that enables anyone to search addresses, trades, tokens, transactions, and other activities on the Injective Chain. Users can now view detailed information regarding every single action that occurs on-chain.

Internally, there were a number of backend optimizations that lead to a significant performance boost. On a frontend level, the user interface was upgraded in adherence to the Injective rebrand guidelines and with user experience in mind.

Users can now analyze specific trades that occurred on Injective’s relayers while viewing a complete breakdown of how the trade was passed through the network. For instance, users can view what type of trade was created, the overall cost, and which asset was purchased. This level of detail enables a higher degree of overall transparency for everyone.

3. Equinox Staking Rewards Distribution

Equinox Staking rewards were distributed with over $1.2 Million were sent to Injective Mainnet wallets.

Thank you to everyone in the community who helped secure the Injective network. Get ready for much more as the Canonical Chain launches!

4. New Perpetual Market Listings and Hidden Markets for Canonical Release

New perpetual market listings and hidden markets for canonical release were announced.

With canonical chain approaching, Injective Labs published a proposal for markets to be hidden or listed, then opened up the floor for the community to discuss insights prior to a formal on-chain governance proposal.

5. Community Updates

Text proposals went live on the Injective Hub. Now the community can not only launch new DeFi spot/derivatives markets but also govern new community-driven parameters such as the Stargazer ambassador program, liquidity mining initiatives, grants programs, and much more.

The Injective Hub became available in Spanish. This segued perfectly into the announcement of The Injective Spanish Community Twitter Campaign.

6. AMAs and Media

Injective hosted an exclusive master talk with executives from Commonwealth on all things related to decentralized governance and DAOs.

Injective also participated in AMAs with CryptoJ, Cosmos and Cosmos SZN. Injective Labs CEO spoke on the Interchain.FM podcast, and delivered an address at the Xend Finance Hackathon.

Media mentions for the month included Unpeeld’s Injective Deep Dive Report which serves as a primer for the core tenets of Injective’s borderless trading platform and inclusive financial vision. Injective was also featured on Cosmos Signal, the all-new quarterly keynote about exclusive developments from the Cosmos Ecosystem.

What’s Next?

This week Injective Labs team members are heading to Lisbon, Portugal for the global DeFi family reunion taking place across multiple conferences and events.

Injective will be participating in the Cosmoverse conference and will also provide a keynote address with exciting updates. Injective contributors will be participating in a number of workshops and AMAs while engaging with some of the best minds and developers in the industry. Community members are invited to join, but if you can’t make it in person, follow @InjectiveLabs on Twitter for updates as Injective takes Lisbon by storm!

About Injective

Injective is a lightning fast interoperable layer one blockchain optimized for building the premier Web3 finance applications. Injective provides developers with powerful plug-and-play modules for creating unmatched dApps. INJ is the native asset that powers Injective and its rapidly growing ecosystem. Injective is incubated by Binance and is backed by prominent investors such as Jump Crypto, Pantera and Mark Cuban.

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